A Message from Kirsten Gabriel |
It might be difficult to believe, but the end of the academic year is just a few short weeks away!
April is always a bit of a whirlwind with special events such as the Student Recognition Awards Ceremony, the Athletics Awards Banquet, Scholars Days, the Senior Soirée, and more that honor the achievements of our students.
These special events culminate in the Sending and Blessing Ceremony on Friday, May 10, and Commencement on Saturday, May 11. Between these events and the fun and revelry that is Courtyard Carni, our campus-wide carnival on the last day of classes, there’s much to celebrate and enjoy on campus.
In addition to the special events, our teams are busy working to ensure meaningful, missional student opportunities and experiences this summer and next academic year. We invite you into these preparations by sharing important dates and information regarding on-campus housing and the federal student aid application (FAFSA). We’re also excited to share inspiring stories about student-faculty-local community collaborations related to climate action and last weekend’s President’s Day of Service.
We hope you enjoy reading this edition of the newsletter! Thank you as always for entrusting us with your incredible students. It is our joy and privilege to work for and with them as they grow into faithful servants and ethical leaders and make all of us who support them incredibly proud.
If your student is graduating this May, congratulations (you had a lot to do with their success) and thank you for your partnership! For everyone else, know we’ll be savoring these last few special weeks with your student and spending the summer curating another great year for them and for you, the parents and families who help make it all possible.
In gratitude,

Kirsten Gabriel
Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students
Murphy Center, Room 226
Email us |
Important Dates
►April 25-26: Scholars Days
►May 1: Athletics Awards Banquet
►May 1: Deadline to request housing deposit refund
►May 6: Summer housing signup deadline
►May 6-10: Final exam week
►May 9: Senior Soirée with the President
►May 10: Sending and Blessing Ceremony for graduating seniors and families
►May 11: Baccalaureate Mass
►May 11: Commencement at La Crosse Center
►May 13: Final day to have spring semester account balance paid in full
►May 13: Summer classes begin
►May 15: Spring grades posted
►Mid-July: Spring dean’s list published
►Aug. 1: First day to charge books at bookstore
►Aug. 23: Deadline to confirm fall semester enrollment
►Aug. 23-25: Returning student move-in dates
►Aug. 26: First day of classes |
Saluting Viterbo's Best and Brightest Viterbo held its annual Student Recognition Award ceremony April 10 at the Weber Center for the Performing Arts. This year, the project of the year was the Enchanted Forest Winter Formal Dance, a rousing success organized as a joint effort by the Residence Hall Association, the Student Government Association, and the Student Athlete Advisory Committee. Check out the photo gallery from the dance. |

Climate Action
This year, students in one of Viterbo's core curriculum mission seminars have put learning into action.
Students in Cameron Kiersch's Planetary Health Promotion class have twice presented to university leadership to make the case that Viterbo needs a climate action plan aligned with the Vatican's 2015 environmental encyclical.
After conducting a campus climate challenge this month, students will present again to the university cabinet and deans to make a closing argument. Read more about how Kiersch's mission seminar grew out of his longtime concern about the intersection of personal and planetary health.
Athletics Successes
Viterbo's women's volleyball and dance teams both returned to national championship competition this year, with eight members of the dance team and five volleyball players garnering All-America honors.
Meanwhile, the track and field got its outdoor season off to a big start by competing in the Texas Relays, the nation's second largest track and field competition. Jalen Anderson (pictured here with coach Devon Montgomery) and two other V-Hawks qualified for outdoor nationals in Texas. Montgomery also competed in the 110 hurdles in a quest to qualify for the U.S. Olympic team. Catch up on the latest in Viterbo sports news on the V-Hawks website.
President's Day of Service
Roughly 70 Viterbo students, faculty, and staff members, including President Rick Trietley, participated in the 2024 President's Day of Service on April 20. Participants took part in 11 service projects, including a Habitat for Humanity construction site, the Children's Museum of La Crosse, Hamilton Elementary, the La Crosse American Legion, several gardens, First Teen Clothes Closet, and assembling crocheted blankets for hospital patients. Check out the Flickr gallery to see photos from the event.
Keep up with campus happenings and stories about the Viterbo family on our Viterbo in the News page. |

Staff Focus:
Polly Pappadopoulos
A Viterbo alumna with strong family ties to the institution, Polly Pappadopoulos began working for Viterbo while she was still a student, teaching voice lessons. These days, she is the assistant director of liturgical worship, ministries, and chapel programs for Viterbo University campus ministry and the director of the St. Francis Choir at the San Damiano Chapel.
Read Pappadopoulos's Q&A |
Faculty Focus:
Cameron Kiersch
Cameron Kiersch, who chairs the Direct Entry Master of Science in Nursing (DEMSN) program at Viterbo, began teaching at the university in 2015 after 14 years as a critical care nurse. Kiersch taught a variety of courses in the undergraduate nursing program, and he continues to teach one core seminar course, which includes students from multiple majors.
Meet Bob Van Wicklin, Advancement Vice President |
| In late January, Bob Van Wicklin was named Viterbo's vice president for advancement, succeeding the retiring Jim Salmo, who held the position for a little over five years.
Van Wicklin brings 14 years of advancement experience, most recently as vice president for university advancement at St. Bonaventure University in New York, a Franciscan institution where Viterbo President Rick Trietley served in the administration.
A former Naval intelligence officer, Van Wicklin was a congressional staffer for two New York representatives before bringing his talents to the higher education field.
Counting Down to Commencement
For graduating seniors (and their parents), commencement will be here before they know it. We like to make sure they're prepared by inviting candidates for graduation to our annual Countdown to Commencement event, which offers seniors a chance to get their photos taken in cap and gown for the commencement slideshow. We've got a photo album of the pictures we captured at this year’s Countdown event. If your student missed out, they can can still submit a photo for the slide show by emailing Courtney Steinke by Friday, April 26. |
2024–25 Financial Aid for Students
Viterbo University is now receiving FAFSAs for next year. If your student has submitted theirs to Viterbo, they should have an official aid offer for 2024–25 by the end of April.
To ensure the most optimal financial aid award for your student, it's vital that they fill out the FAFSA each year. The FAFSA is required to unlock federal and state aid, but is also important to maximize Viterbo aid.
New this year, parents and/or step-parents, whether or not they’re helping pay for the students education, need to provide consent and information for the student’s FAFSA. To do so, they need a unique FSA ID. To learn more, visit studentaid.gov. You can read about the changes that have been made to the FAFSA and how it might affect you and your student on our website.
If your student is taking classes over the summer, they should already have an aid offer. If not, they can email the financial aid team.
We are partners as your student navigates financing their education. |
Ready or Not, Semester's End Is at Hand
It’s hard to believe there’s less than a month before the 2023–24 school year is complete. That means a big transition is coming soon for the more than 550 students living on the Viterbo campus.
University housing closes for the summer at 6 p.m. Friday, May 10. When leaving campus, each student will complete a check out, either with their RA or by themselves with a self-checkout envelope (instructions will be provided the week before finals). All room keys and garage door openers should be returned at that time to avoid any replacement fines.
If your student is a graduating senior, they can apply for an exemption to push their moveout deadline to Sunday if that makes things easier.
Does your student need to stay on campus for part (or all) of the summer? Summer housing reservations are now available. Students are welcome to stay on campus for anywhere from a week to the entire summer. Summer housing reservations should be submitted by May 6.
For more information, visit our Residence Life webpage. |
The set design for this semester's student production of Bat Boy: The Musical, which sold out all performances, was done by 2008 Viterbo alumna Teena Sauvola, now a Los Angeles-based theme park designer.
Stay in Touch — Keep Your Contact Info Up to Date with Viterbo
Email us | 608-796-3841
Viterbo University, 900 Viterbo Drive, La Crosse, WI, 54601 |