A Message from Kirsten Gabriel |
Greetings V-Hawk parents and families,
The weather in Wisconsin these past few weeks has felt like summer, but the calendar tells us we’re already almost halfway through October!
It was lovely to see so many of you on campus for this year’s Family Day — one highlight for us was our Family Day Service Saturday, where over 130 (including more than 65 parents, families, and guests) joined us to serve in our community.
A few other fall semester highlights include:
► Our annual St. Francis Week celebration, which included a beautiful community Mass and an always exuberant Franny Fest (check out the photos on Flickr).
► The annual fall musical, 42nd Street, opens this weekend, and ticket sales have been brisk for this crowd-pleasing show.
► Wisconsin Poet Laureate Nick Gulig spoke on campus last week as part of the D.B. Reinhart Ethics Institute lecture series.
► Our student-athletes are shining. Women’s soccer team member Brooke Clements, for example, has been named Offensive Player of the Week three times, scoring a league-best nine goals on the season (so far). Visit our Viterbo athletics website for the latest news on all our teams.
As we approach the middle of the semester each year, a few important things happen. Your student will get a well-deserved break from classes on Friday, Oct. 20. We’ve also noticed that the days leading up to and directly following mid-semester break can be full of assignments, papers, and exams, so if you are hearing any notes of stress from your student, please encourage them to talk with their advisor, faculty, or counseling services.
This is also a time when we like to reconnect with parents and families. Please join us for a Parent Family Virtual Town Hall, which will run from 6–7 p.m. CDT on Tuesday, Oct. 17, via Zoom. You will hear from President Rick Trietley and leaders in academic and career development, counseling services, and residence life. The event will offer key information from these areas and the chance to ask questions.
This edition of the quarterly parents and family newsletter features Q&A’s with faculty member Matthew Bersagel Braley and academic advisor Kristen Nyholm, along with contributions from residence life, student life, counseling services, campus ministry, and more. Happy reading!
Lastly, thank you for being an important part of the Viterbo family. We are so grateful for the opportunity to get to know your student and help them learn, grow, and thrive, and we recognize that wouldn’t be possible without your continued care and support.
Thank you again, and go V-Hawks!
All the best,

Kirsten Gabriel
Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students
Murphy Center, #226
Email us |
Important Dates
►Oct. 17 Parent and Family Town Hall
►Oct. 20: Mid-semester break
►Oct. 20: Last day to drop a full semester class without it appearing on permanent record
►Oct. 31: Last day to make payment in full on balance due before interest is assessed
►Nov. 6: Last day to drop a full semester class with a grade of W
►Nov. 22-26: Thanksgiving break
►Dec. 1: Registration for spring semester classes begins
►Dec. 11-15: Finals week
►Dec. 16: Commencement
►Dec.18-Jan. 14: Break
►Dec. 19: Fall grades are due
►Jan. 15: Spring semester begins
Campus Happenings
Details on campus events can be found on the events calendar.
►Oct. 12–15: 42nd Street
►Oct. 16: United States Marine Band
►Oct. 28: Tig Notaro
►Nov. 2: The Wailin' Jennys
►Nov. 17–19: She Kills Monsters
►Dec. 2–3: A Viterbo Christmas
►Dec. 8–10: Nutcracker Ballet
►Dec. 13: A Church Basement Ladies Christmas
►Dec. 18: Macy Gray & the California Jet Club |

Almost Like Being Here
It's only been a matter of weeks since your student came to Viterbo, but you're missing them, aren't you? They're busy, immersed in college life, and maybe you don't feel as connected with your student as you'd like.
It might help to feel more connected and have a sense of what they are up to by keeping up with campus activities. Viterbo has a number of social media accounts that can help (especially the exclusive parents group account). See more social media links at the bottom of the newsletter.
And don't forget to check out our Flickr account to see photos from a wide variety of campus activities, including move-in day (above). |
Read All About It
Viterbo's twice-yearly magazine, Strides, is hot off the press, with a cover story focusing on the role health sciences education is expected to play in the university's future success. Inside there are stories about faculty, alumni, and much more.
Keep up with campus happenings and stories about the Viterbo family on our Viterbo in the News page, |

Staff Focus:
Kristen Nyholm
As an academic advisor for students in the Conservatory for the Performing Arts, the College of Nursing and Health, and others, Kristen Nyholm works closely with students in their first two years at Viterbo, but she is there to provide support as needed throughout a student’s journey.
Read Nyholm's Q&A |
Faculty Focus:
Matthew Bersagel Braley
An associate professor in the Ethics, Culture, and Society program at Viterbo University and director of the university’s Honors Program, Matthew Bersagel Braley has a reputation for getting students to reflect on what is theirs to do in responding to the pressing social issues of our time.
We Are Always Here for Students
Many of you may be aware of the loss of one of our students to suicide in the first week of the semester. This has been a terrible loss to our community and a reminder for all of us to be aware of the toll that suicide can take on the lives of young people.
Suicide is the second leading cause of death in college students, and its effects are wide ranging: approximately 25% of students know of someone who has died by suicide, and 40% report knowing someone who has attempted.
Please make sure you are doing your part to help your student, even if you do not think they are struggling. Some common risk factors among college students include marginalized gender and sexual identities, holding a disability or disabilities, academic struggles, and financial concerns.
Please pay attention to these and other warning signs and know that counseling services is prepared to help. We offer individual and group counseling and are able to connect students with additional resources if needed.
Remember, mental health struggles are real and can affect anyone. Please continue to do your part to help stop the stigma.
—Justin McKnight, director of counseling services |
Campus Community Is Close-Knit Group
We hope your student has settled in and gotten comfortable in what we hope has begun to feel like home. Returning students are staying on campus at a higher rate than ever before and we are so appreciative of the mentoring and leadership they show our younger students.
Our student community is an active and close-knit group and much of that value can be attributed to what our returning students contribute to our group. Thank you for all your student brings to the Viterbo living and learning environment.
Though it may seem like we just got started, your student has the ability to access the housing contract for the 2024-25 academic year, pay a deposit, prepare for roommates, and get ready for building and room selection. Students were emailed this information and can consult that for more information or greater detail. As always, students can always come into the Residence Life office in the Hawk’s Nest and we can help in person!
—Matt Jurvelin, assistant dean of student community |
For Franciscans, 2023 Is a Very Big Year
In the spirit of St. Francis, whose feast we celebrated on campus Oct. 4, I invite you to participate in a journey of wonder, awe, and humility. This year we celebrate the 800th anniversary of the first nativity creche, a symbol that is precious to the Franciscans and which helps us understand the significance of the incarnation.
St. Francis, inspired by the story of the nativity, sought to emphasize the joy of the incarnation, the embodiment of the divine in the everyday, through a live recreation of the little event in Bethlehem. Our college students are on their own journey to engage not just the everyday, but something beyond themselves. Our campus theme this year is “Dare to Wonder,” and we invite you to contemplate the following questions in that spirit:
► How can we, as family and Viterbo community members, embrace the wonder of the ordinary moments in our students’ lives, just as Francis cherished the simple manger scene?
► In the face of new questions and paths that college life presents, how can we cultivate a sense of humility and openness, like St. Francis, who dared to explore uncharted territories?
► How can we support our students in finding joy in their own unique journey, just as St. Francis found joy in the embrace of the Gospel message?
As we reflect on these questions, let us remember that the essence of a Franciscan education lies not only in academic growth but in nurturing the spirit of wonder and humility. Together, we can help our students navigate this transformative chapter of life, allowing them to discover the beauty of the incarnation in every experience.
—Emilio Alvarez, director of campus ministry |
Last year, 684 people gave $304,851 as part of Viterbo's fourth annual Day of Giving. This year the goal is to raise $325,000 and, most importantly, increase the number of participants to 750. Students are being encouraged to take part in Day of Giving for the first time this year through the Francis Challenge.
Stay in Touch — Keep Your Contact Info Up to Date with Viterbo
Email us | 608-796-3841
Viterbo University, 900 Viterbo Drive, La Crosse, WI, 54601 |